
Privacy policy „Borsti Remote“

Brief description

The application „Borsti Remote“ is used for remote control of the robot kit „Borsti“ with the help of a smartphone via Bluetooth.


eMail: malte [at] poeggel [dot] de

Please send questions about my projects only by email. Use of the contact details for advertising purposes is prohibited.

Required permissions

Location permission (While using the app)

The location permission is required up to Android 11 to scan for Bluetooth devices. Starting with Android 12, the Nearby devices permission is used. A more detailed description of the permissions can be found at:

Data processing

After a scan, all Bluetooth devices in the area will be displayed to the user on the screen. The list includes the device name, MAC address and signal strength.

If the user selects a Borsti robot from the list, a Bluetooth connection is established according to the SPP (Serial Port Profile). The data transmitted over the serial connection includes control and configuration commands that the user generates using the buttons in the interface to remotely control the robot. A detailed interface description can be found at:

Data storage & transmission

The data obtained with the Bluetooth scan is not stored or transmitted.

Individual configuration settings are stored in the robot's EEPROM. These include the key configuration of the infrared remote control, correction values for motor speed and the configuration of the Bluetooth name ( up to 6 characters).

The application does not use an Internet connection.